Southeast AIDS Education and Training Center (SE AETC) | 615-875-7873

Cultural Competence vs Cultural Humility

Segment Two of Cultural Humility & Reducing Stigma and Discrimination Resources

What is Cultural Humility?

In a society where power imbalances exist between cultures, cultural humility is a working process towards:

  • Mindful openness
  • Self-awareness
  • Setting aside ego
  • Self-reflection and critique after willingly interacting with diverse individuals

Step 1

Complete side 1 of the handout.

Step 2

Watch the video (5:27)

Step 3

Complete side 2 of the handout.

Step 4

After everyone has completed the activity, take the time to allow groups to share their thoughts.

Cultural Competence

Implies the existence of a distinct endpoint, as though as no additional learning or engagement is necessary at that point

Cultural Humility

Describes a commitment to engage in an active process of:

  • Lifelong learning and critical self-reflection
  • Pursuing institutional accountability
  • Recognizing and challenging power imbalances, including a shift toward:
    • Patient-focused interviewing and care strategies
    • Community-based research and advocacy