Southeast AIDS Education and Training Center (SE AETC) | 615-875-7873

Area 8 HIV Conference Pre-Conference Champion’s Academy

2nd Annual Area 8 HIV Pre-Conference Champion’s Academy The South Florida Southeast AIDS Education and Training Center will be partnering with the North Florida Southeast AIDS Education and Training Center, the University of Miami, the University of Florida and...
Medical Case Management Curriculum

Medical Case Management Curriculum

Medical Case Management (MCM) Curriculum Enroll in Curriculum Return To Courses Overview: The purpose of this training is to improve providers’ health literacy and optimize client-centered communication through improved understanding of the unique structural...
People-First Language

People-First Language

People-First Language Segment Three of Cultural Humility & Reducing Stigma and Discrimination Resources People-first describes a way of speaking that tries to avoid perceived and subconscious dehumanization when discussing other people. This can be applied to any...